Jesus said; “I only say what I hear my father say and I only do what I see my father do. He was the AMEN of God. As adopted sons we too are GOD'S AMEN PEOPLE, understanding God's intention and Declaring the establishment of The Kingdom of Heaven on earth.



The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

This presentation comes from the Bible I believe the Bible is more than a good book I believe it is the Constitution of the Government of the Kingdom of Heaven and how that Kingdom and it’s authority affects the earth. It is God’s Story the story of His interaction with His children, His plan or ideology and intention for earth was revealed, spoken and recorded by His prophets.  They testified to the covenants God made with his children, to His will, (desire or intention) and to our great inheritance.  This is not new information but it is presented in a way that will bring clarity to your understanding.  For the most part that won’t amount to much unless it alters the way you live; Wisdom is knowledge of God’s intention put to action.  Through Jesus God has made available all power and authority to His sons and daughters.  Those who follow Jesus as the Amen of God…become a re-presentation of Jesus to infect your part of the world with, Gods Big Idea

God's Big Idea

Everything in the world started as an idea…ideas are the source of creation.  The clothes you are wearing were first conceived as an idea.  In John 1: In the beginning was the logos; the word, the expression of an idea.  If you have an idea and you want me to know what it is you must use some communicative means to convey the idea to me; speak it, write it, draw a picture.

In the case of God’s Big Idea after he revealed it by speaking to the prophets He then actually sent Jesus the logos, the expression of an idea, who lived it.  The word became flesh and dwelt among us. 


If you have a specific desire regarding the dividing up or your estate when you die, a lawyer will say you must put it into words so that I can put it on paper.  It then becomes your Will and testament.  Therefore God’s will for your life is not just the activities he wants you to do, the seven fold ministries, it is also His testimony that speaks in his absence or silence of the power and resources that are made available to each of His children.  We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.


Ideas are the foundation of ideologies.  If you try to kill an idea it grows.  We call it martyrdom.  Terrorism is an idea, you can’t shoot it with a gun you can only conquer it with a better idea.  Governments are ideologies that have taken on a form to keep humanity, the free spirits that live in their jurisdiction corralled and moving in the same direction.  A simple example would be how a rancher would move his goats. You get behind them and drive them.  You utilize coercion, because they all have their own will.  Jesus told us; “don’t be like a mule that needs a bridle to stay on track.”

Therefore as heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, God’s desire is for you and I to become like our elder brother Jesus, i.e., a mass of humans who live by the indwelling Spirit of God and are self-governed, expressing Heavens values, culture, power and authority, by the power of compelling love. The Holy Spirit, the comforter as Jesus called him is the Governor of The Kingdom who dwells within us and becomes our guide; we trust, surrender and are guided by the spirit rather than our logical mind.    Jesus said; “I came to separate the sheep from the goats.  “My sheep know my voice and willingly follow me.” 


The Kingdom of God is upside down from the fallen kingdom.  Here are some of the concepts that are inverted from the Adamic common belief system: the first shall be last, the last shall be first; if you want to be the greatest then become the servant of the least.  If you begin to meditate on this upside down structure you will see that this is how Jesus functioned.  He ministered to the lost and forgotten He didn’t go to the fortune 500 companies to look for his followers.  He didn’t try to establish wealth.  When the rich man told Jesus that he wanted to follow him, Jesus in essence said; sure but we won’t be staying in the best hotels, we only have one tunic, the son of man has no place to lay His head.  Go sell all you have and give it to the poor.  He didn’t say bring your money to me to fund my work.


The reason all governmental philosophies have failed and why we should not be in fear that the current governments of the world are failing is because that failure is the plan of God, He told Jesus; “Sit at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool.”  “The kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our God.”  The most important repenting or rethinking we can do for our peace of mind is understand that God’s intention from the beginning was to colonize earth with Heaven.  The whole earth is “The Promise Land.”  The majority of the church today is of the belief that the earth is doomed and the only way for a better life is for us to be taken out and go to heaven.  They are waiting for God to take us to heaven amidst great turmoil on earth when in fact God’s intention has always been quite the opposite.  We have been deluded, deception is Satan’s only weapon, he has no power except what he usurps from us.  Jesus said; “All power in Heaven and earth has been given to me.”  Why would God leave his creation to an unemployed cherub, Satan, who has no power?  Remember that Jesus even prayed; “Father keep them on earth but keep them from the evil one.”   And here is why; on earth we get to function as a King if we go back to heaven where God is King we can only be Princes so let’s do what Jesus told us was our number one priority and “Seek First the Kingdom” and when we understand it we will be the King God created us to be.


The Roman Empire was the first kingdom on earth to utilize God’s colonization principal.  Prior to that, the other kingdoms would conquer a people and take them back to their own territory.  The Romans sent 300 Roman citizens to Palestine to bring the culture, values and traditions of Rome to Palestine.  They began expanding their territory by colonization and education.   Herod was the governor whose responsibility was to make Palestine just like Rome.  

Jesus was God colonizer He came to earth manifested his power and authority demonstrating a power greater that what is in the world.  Jesus was the Amen; the living breathing outward expression of the nature of God; Jesus was God’s collective Idea in a single human body.  To implement His plan to take over the kingdoms of this earth, God didn’t send an army to fight a physical warfare.  He sent Jesus, the seed, the expression of His ideology.  Therefore if you want to know what God is thinking and what He is intending to do on earth, all you have to do is; 1) study the life of Jesus, 2) surrender from your declared independence and 3) allow the Holy Spirit, the governor from Heaven, to guide and direct your life, and the Kingdom of Heaven becomes established on earth in one more earthen vessel.  


Christianity preaches the message about the sacrificial blood of Jesus on the cross, but for the most part it has not embraced the message that Jesus himself preached, that “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.”  Jesus re-established the dominion/kingdom that was given to Adam before the fall.  God in Heaven created earth so that His children could be Kings so He gave them a territory, dominion, authority and the Holy Spirit, His very own presence to keep them from dashing their head against a stone.   

Here is a doctrine you may not be aware of.  God is not totally sovereign in the earth, not totally powerful.  He is as sovereign as His word.  God said; “I hold my word above my name.”  In essence He is stating that his Name is established by His keeping His word.  He spoke into existence a law which put a limit on His authority in the earth.  Gen 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness and let them have dominion over the earth.”  “LET THEM” have dominion over the earth.  God has limited His authority in the earth to be manifest through you and me.  The word human comes from two words; humus/dirt and man/Spirit.  God by this decree made it illegal for a spirit to have authority in the earth unless it was in a dirt body.  From Adam’s declaration of independence until Jesus, the Holy Spirit (or the Governor from heaven) had not inhabited a human being.  The Spirit came upon the prophets of old, and when they were finished prophesying, the Spirit lifted, it departed. 

When God revealed Himself at the scene of Adam’s fall Satan knew God had no authority because He had given dominion in the earth to Adam.  Because of His limited sovereignty God immediately set the stage for the return of the Holy Spirit through Jesus to regain the dominion.  He spoke to Satan, who, by the way, is also a spirit, and had to take abode in the body of the snake to function in the earth; Gen 3:15 “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed and he shall bruise you on the head and you will bruise him on the heal.”  This means that he will take your authority.  So when God’s timing came to re-establish His Kingdom on earth…He didn’t send an army to conquer with bullets and warfare, He sent His Big Idea, Christ, the anointed King into the dirt body, Jesus, a dirt man created in Mary’s womb.  He became the habitation of Christ the living expression of God’s ideology, everything that is necessary to fully re-establish the Kingdom of God on earth.  God is very precise in every detail.  Because the blood of the mother and the child never comingle, Christ, the spirit, was fully God (Son of God), and Jesus, the body, was fully man (Son of Man).


An acorn is a seed that in your hand is only potential, when the seed is put in the ground it dies and germinates takes roots and becomes a tree.  But it is not only a tree it is the whole forest.  When Jesus resurrected from the dead, He said, “I must go, so the Comforter, the Holy Spirit can come.”  Then He breathed upon the disciples and said: “receive the Holy Spirit,” (Meaning; “Have once again what I had originally given to Adam.”)  We have been breathed upon and the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is now alive in us…We are the forest, the many sons of God.


The inertia, the intention, the will and the power will always be God’s but the authority for it to be manifest in the earth has been decreed upon us.   So God needs a human being to discern His will or desire, then act as His authority and delivery system in the earth we speak the word.  We are His mouthpiece in the earth!  We get to decree: “Your will be done”…”Let it be”…Amen.  The follow up article Prayer Protocol will explain in detail how we are to implement this authority.   But here are some basic concepts

John told us in 1Jn 2:27  “But the anointing which ye have received of him abides in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”  Jesus said; “Bring every thought captive,” this is the process of bring everything before the governor, the Holy Spirit for discernment.  Paul said I pray with the spirit and I pray with the understanding also.  This is an act of prayer by which man’s spirit intercedes with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will pray the prayer according to the will of God then when we pray in the understanding by faith we believe that now we are praying the will of God.  Once we have ascertained His will or intention, when we know what He wants done, we ask God make the provision according to his word.  Once we have asked we then do the walk of faith; speak of those things that are not as though they are…taking the faithful steps of praise and adoration we see the prayer releases the power and resources from heaven to be manifest on earth.  We, His sons who have dominion or authority seek His will submit or become in agreement with it and say Amen/Let it be.  This is how His culture, values, nature and the provision of Heaven becomes manifest on earth. 


Are we not continually asking God; “What is your will for my life?”  It’s amazing that Jesus told us explicitly what the priority was, and for some reason we have missed it.  “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”  When God empowered Adam He gave him “dominion.” That is the same word that is translated “kingdom” in the New Testament. 

So what we are to do first is obtain the facts about how the Kingdom works…this is the acquisition of information.  Then when you understand and believe the facts, you have acquired knowledge.  But it is of no value if you only meditate and ponder on it.  It must be demonstrated or put into practice before it will cause results that will affect the kingdom of this earth.    

Adam didn’t loose a religion.  He declared independence from God’s government, which Jesus upon his re-establishment of the Kingdom told us to repent/re-think…learn how it works.  The second priority is to be righteous, be in right-standing with this greater Kingdom because it is the power that caused everything you can touch, taste, see and feel to be created and this Kingdom will be around long after those things are gone. 

If you are afraid of what is happening in our world today it is because you are still locked in the old paradigm.  God isn’t interested in saving this government.  He is intending to establish His own.  That is why we need to know how His government / kingdom work. 

I was a business partner with a princess from Indonesia.  When she was young, she went to etiquette school with all the children of royalty from all over the world.  They had to learn the protocol of a kingdom at a very young age.    The Bible is a book about a King, His Kingdom and His Children…it is the will and testimony of the King, or it could be stated: it is The Constitution of the Government of Heaven.  It tells us how the Kingdom is supposed to function, including our role and our inheritance.


There are 7 billion people in the whole world today and believe it or not they are all looking for the same thing today, a pretty bold statement due to the fact that there are so many different religions and philosophies out there.  But because the biggest part of how we live our lives is mandated by our incompetent government, everyone is dissatisfied and looking for a better government.  There are riots, sit-ins and re-elections in hundreds of countries every year.  Why?  Because they are not content with how the government is managing their lives.  Everyone is living under some form of perpetrated bondage brought on by a man-made form of government that is tyrannical to some degree.  Jesus did not bring us a religion he brought us a Kingdom.  So whether you are seeking God through the Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim religions or if you are atheist or agnostic you’ll be glad when you discover that all the guilt and failure in your life, your inability to live up to the standard required by your religion or your own creed that King Jesus by His death on the cross paid the price for all our unworthiness.  Then to show us how much he loved us he set us free; He didn’t require us to come serve him.  Instead he offers us the good news; I don’t want you to be my servant I want you to be a King.  I want to give you access to all the resources of Heaven so that you too can do as I did while I was on the earth.


Jesus didn’t come to preach a philosophy.  He first demonstrated the power of His Kingdom through the miracles He performed and then He demonstrated the very nature of the Father, Agape unconditional love of the Kingdom by His humble lifestyle and sacrificial death on the cross.   He sacrificed His own life to pay for the bounty on the head of all mankind.  He is our redeemer kinsman legally we are not free He owns us, but He didn’t require that we come and serve Him.  He set us free in a world of material and energy and said go create and when you get sick, tired, beat up, and lonely come home, I have set a table for you where you can get off the treadmill, come dine with me whenever you want.  This act of benevolence along with continued compelling love lets us know that we can trust Him, because He has no hidden agenda.  He is a benevolent King who loves His children unconditionally and wants to invite us to be a part of the family business.  Sharing the GOOD NEWS, to our sphere of influence, The Kingdom of Heaven being manifest on earth is God’s Big Idea; the encapsulation of all that we need not only to survive but to have dominion in the earth; THE LIFE OF JESUS RE-PRESENTED THROUGH US IS HIS WILL FOR OUR LIVES, IT IS OUR RIGHTFUL INHERITENCE.  Are we living up to our potential?

With His promise to return and head the Church, the ecclesia, to complete the establishment of His Kingdom on earth, we can see that Jesus is a complete package–the seed of the ideology which like yeast will completely leaven the whole loaf.  The whole earth will eventually be leavened by this yeast.  The earth will be full of earthen vessels that are the habitation and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the Government of God.  The scripture says; “The whole world is groaning for the manifestation of the Sons of God.”

So the solution to the world’s problems today is a better government, a better ideology.  Jesus said; Rom 12:2  “And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”  You may, like me, have been a Christian your whole life, and you have probably confessed that you are a sinner in need of Christ for the forgiveness of your sin.  You have been born again.  A king is not elected, he is born a king.  Your rebirth (Passover) is not a complete work.  It is your new birth.  Now the renewing of our mind begins.  We need to go back and re-read the whole Bible, acknowledging that it is a governmental document telling us how Heaven is to be established on earth; the inverted Kingdom which rules by compelling love and servitude.  This may be the beginning of your (Seeking the Kingdom.)  Because this is a new idea to most of us, we don’t recognize the uniqueness of the words Jesus used.  Re-conciliation, re-pent, re-ceive in other words…have again what Adam was given before; a government ruled by a sovereign King.  We actually go back to the original idea.  Adam, inhabited by the Holy Spirit, was God’s initial intention for establishing Heaven on earth.

God gave Adam the Holy Spirit, the governor; he was deceived and declared independence from God.  Because we are of Adam’s seed this includes you and me his seed.  Then God sent Jesus to redeem humanity so they could continue the colonization of earth with Heaven and that is our mandate as well.   If we call ourselves Christian then we have received our salvation, Passover.  But sanctification, obedience is learned by our trials. Living by the spirit is a daily walk the destination is a process we will embrace till we receive our glorification, where we will put on our immortality and incorruptibility.   


COLONIZATION IS THE EXTENSION OF A KINGDOM INTO A FOREIGN TERRORITORY, IMPACTING IT WITH ITS WILL, PURPOSE AND INTENT UNTIL THAT TERRITORY TAKES ON THE NATURE OF THE ORGINATING KINGDOM.  IN THIS CASE TRANSFORMING EARTH AND MAKING IT LIKE HEAVEN.  God is not anxious to take humans to heaven. He wanted His children to be kings.  That is why He created this new territory, earth, so that we could have dominion or be kings, and bless earth with the culture, nature, traditions, values, authority and provision of Heaven.  Jesus declared The Father’s intention in the prayer He taught His disciples: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”  We live in on this earth and are citizens of a country but we have dual citizenship and have access to a higher authority and power.

Which government is dominating the territory where you live?

Which Kingdom rules you’re mind for; “As a man thinketh so is he.”

Do you know how to tell which government dominates your world?  You can tell by the culture, values and traditions that are manifest there.  What do we see in the governments of the world today?  A clear statement of the difference between a government dominated by the usurper of Adams authority, ‘the thief’ and Jesus Christ, our Anointed King, is spelled out in John 10:10b “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have come to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly.”   This statement by Jesus draws a line by which we can determine whether we as individuals or our governments are deceived, serving the thief and his agenda of dominion over humanity by killing stealing and destroying or if we are following King Jesus as a servant providing assisting all to have an abundant life.  Another way to examine this question is to determine the direction of the flow of energy.  If you have not sought the Kingdom, our first priority and learned that God’s inverted Kingdom is; Give and it shall be given unto you, planting comes before reaping.  A gardener doesn’t go out into the garden and yell (corn) he finds his best corn seed and sews it into the ground.  (He gives it to God so that God can multiply it. 


As we have discussed before the citizens the world who have claimed independence from Heaven’s authority are characterized as cattle.  Because of their inability to self-govern and be followers, these free spirits must be lorded over with coercive measures; herded, corralled, driven, subdued chemically or with religions that declares poverty and submission as the way of life.   Leaders of government throughout history have been the warriors, the intellectuals, the religious leaders or those who happened to be at the right place at the right time.  The styles and characteristics of these governments have varied, but the collapse of these governments usually comes by the revolt of the masses due to injustice and tyranny.  The free spirit of the masses overthrow the few who rule and they start over with a new ideology to see if they can make that one work.  I think there is an important piece of information that should be injected here as it will give us an understanding as to how our current crisis will be overcome.  The leaders of our world are under the direction of the deceiver; an unemployed cherub, who is still trying to raise himself above the most high God.  So the people are not inherently evil they are deceived so rather than hating people, we are to be the expression of the very nature of Christ and forgive those who have been deceived.  We are the ones who should take the authority over the strong man who is manipulating them, we are to break the strongholds of their ideology not with finger pointing and accusation or even preaching, but as sheep who will overcome the lion by the power of forgiveness.


The motivation that drives humanity is the same as it was in the time of Adam; it is the desire for freedom.  An individual who has no power in a government can obtain elements of freedom, or at least perhaps gain esteem with the government leaders by high performance in an area of expertise. It may even win them admiration.  The acquisition of wealth, and/or money, can sometimes create autonomy which is similar to freedom. This is why the love of money is such a powerful draw.  If I have enough money, I can be insulated from the dictates of the government and the problems of life.  I can have what I want.  If tyranny arises, I can move.  If there has a food shortage, I can buy a farm and grow my own food.  I can afford health care even if it is denied to those who are old or have no money.  This love of money affects all tiers of society from poverty clear up to the elite.  Everyone always seems to need more.  The love of money creates an insatiable appetite for more, always more.  We can see that this stronghold or kingdom is running rampant in our world today.  It is manifesting in all kinds of evil and tyrannical manipulations.  Fear not, my brother.  For nothing is falling in a crack.  God has not lost sight of your situation He IS sovereign.  Revelation prophesy’s that the last ruler of the earth before the Jesus’s Stone Kingdom is established is Mystical Babylon it is the financial system that is has bankrupt every government by usury.  This government is now falling.  God is currently over throwing the Global Governmental authority that appears to be moving toward tyrannical empowerment.  So be careful because if your security is found in money this might also pull the rug out from under your feet as well.  So this false security is like building your house on the sand.  When the storm comes the destruction will be great. 


The church today still has it backwards and is stilling needing to repent / rethink, they believe the only way to have a better world is to leave earth and go to heaven.  Think about it; God has no intention to let His Creation, which He said was good, be destroyed by an unemployed cherub.  Jesus said, “ALL power and authority in Heaven and earth has been given to me.”  That means Satan doesn’t have any.  REMEMBER JESUS’ MODEL PRAYER—“THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”  Jesus actually prayed: “Father keep them on earth but keep them from the evil one.”

Therefore I believe we have the pleasure of living in the greatest time in the history of the world.  Jesus is about to return as the head of the body of Christ to fully establish His Kingdom on earth.  He said; “Put this temple in the ground and in three days I will raise it up.”  “A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.” We are in the beginning of the 3rd day.  We get to be a part of this transformation, because when the light comes and exposes the corruption, (your sin will find you out) people will run to the light.  Be first to repent, be in right standing with the Kingdom of Heaven, because the masses will be drawn to those who they can trust, those with integrity.   

By the way, we do not need to fear this battle for; “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds.”  We will not see a holocaust.  When we get it, when the law is written upon our hearts the sword of the spirit (wielding love and forgiveness) will be sharper than any two edged sword and will be the light that everyone will run to. 


We the redeemed are the yeast that is leavening the loaf.  We are impacting all structures of the world.  Spiritual authority is evidence the Kingdom has arrived.  The religious leaders said to Jesus, “You cast that demon out by the power of Satan.”  Jesus basically said, “I thought you were smarter than that; the kingdom of darkness will not fight against itself.  If I cast out this demon, then it is evidence that the Kingdom of Heaven has come to earth.”  Casting out the demon solved a social problem, a family problem, a personal problem.  The Kingdom, manifest through the Sons of God, will affect all aspects of this world and your special gifts will allow you to be a representative of the Kingdom in your sphere of influence.  You have dominion.  If you have the gifts of healing, you will impact the medical industry.  If you have the gift of wisdom, you will impact the industrial or psychological industries.  If you have the gift of knowledge, you can speak prophetically and influence all aspects of life and government.

 God desired for the children of Israel to come up Mount Sinai with Moses and have the law written upon their hearts.  But in fear, they rejected Him and asked for Moses to hear God’s will for them and then to tell them what He said.  The will of God, His commandments, were then external to them, not written in their hearts.  Later they asked for a King and earthly government.  Since that time God has allowed us to experience life governed by a man.  Do you remember the church as a whole repenting; saying we don’t want an earthly government any more we want to be ruled by God.  Because we have not sought to understand His Kingdom, we are still blind and don’t even recognize that He has a better way.  We have become slaves of this corrupt culture.  We think it’s just the natural way to live and don’t even recognize it as bondage.  We want to put a band aid on the problem and keep going in the same direction.  We are patriotic and trying to save our government.  Democracy and capitalism is the best government established by man.  But as we can now see, it is eroding into tyranny.  We are victims of the psychological and scientific elite community that have duped us.  They want us to be satisfied with a job, social activities, hope of retirement, sports activities and endless entertainment while all the while they are robbing us blind and taking away our freedoms.  Jesus Christ, our anointed King, re-established His Kingdom two thousand years ago. And because we have not sought the Kingdom, we find ourselves desperately trying to make the existing government better. “The kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our God.” 

It is our privilege to rule now in the Kingdom of God.  Be an effectual king and use your authority to bring light to those who don’t know that God is over our government.  The scripture says; “Ask the Father anything in my name and He shall give it.”  “Blessed is the man who comes in the name of the Lord.”  More simply stated, this means happy is the man who has the authority to use the name of Jesus.  “As a man thinketh so is he.”  So the way to make our lives better is to change our belief.  Start living as a son of God, function in your kingly anointing and create, solve the problems that are put before you because you are the head and not the tail.  Get a prayer partner and seek the will of God for every problem/opportunity He puts before you then get in agreement with Him so that the power of heaven can repair the problems on earth.  Pray for your leaders, ask God to forgive them, break the strongholds of darkness that binds them, the release the Holy Spirit to do His work of conviction.  Not condemnation…but instead render righteous justice.

David called them precepts, saying, “God teach me your precepts that I might not sin against Thee.”  The only message Jesus preached was the Kingdom.  He asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?”  Peter answered, “Some say you are a great prophet.  Some say you are Elijah, but I believe you are THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, THE ANOINTED KING.  And Jesus said, “Upon that statement, ‘YOU ARE THE ANOINTED KING,’ I am going to build My Kingdom.”  The disciples then became the agents or implementers of His government.  We translate it “Ecclesia,” or church.


The church is to be a colony of people whose lifestyle looks like heaven.  AGAIN A COLONY IS A GROUP OF IMIGRANTS WHO LIVE IN A FOREIGN TERRITORY UNDER THE RULE AND MANIFESTED PROVISION OF THEIR HOME COUNTRY.  You were given the Keys to the Kingdom.  “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  God is only waiting for you to utilize your dominion so that He may release his power and provision so that earth can become like Heaven.  In Heaven there is no sickness, no poverty and no fear.  Declare His will be done in the earth. 

The Fruit of the Spirit is the culture of the Kingdom: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, meekness, temperance.  The Power of God is manifest in the gifts of the Holy Spirit: tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, healing, wisdom, miracles.  These gifts are at our disposal because God, who is spirit, utilizes the humas/man to deliver His power and provision on earth.    

The Kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our God.

The events going on in the earth today are not hidden from God.  He is sovereign, all powerful.  The bible says that God put the government over us to protect us and serve us.  They are not doing their job as God intended.  This seemingly all powerful system will collapse like a house of cards and this lack of confidence in our governmental systems will culminate with Jesus return to earth to rule where he will reign as head of The manifested sons of God, those who have learned like Jesus; “I can only say what they hear the Father say and do what they see the Father do,” The Amen People.  He has been preparing a people to rule and reign with him through the final millennium.  Paul said; “I Press toward the mark of the hi-calling of God,” to a greater resurrection.  The chosen, the barley harvest, the over comers or the 144,000 are the people talked about in this scripture.  “The dead in Christ shall rise first then those who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet him in the air.”  This is the first resurrection and these chosen ones will put on the fullness of the spirit, immortality and incorruptibility and their physical body will function as Jesus did after his resurrection.  They will be able to minister in heaven in their linen clothing and in earth in their woolen clothing, they will be able to travel by thought and walk through walls.  But what is most important is they will KNOW the will of God and will not succumb to the temptations of the world and will be able to meet out God’s righteous justice with the mind of God.  For Jesus said; “When we see Him face to face will know everything.”  This final millennium is the seventh since Adam, the Sabbath, the rest millennium.  We will see the greatest harvest of souls ever; the bible says that whole nations will convert in a day.  

Now be careful that you don’t do what I did with my previous belief system where I believed that my purpose in this life experience was to find Jesus as my savior and the next event that I was waiting for was the rapture, I became passive.

Yes there will be a huge transition when Christ appears but we have the privilege to be functioning now as the Amen People now; interceding to discover the intent and will of the Father and be His Amen, (the ambassador who gives earthly license for divine intervention.)   

It is my hope that this article has put the hook in and you will endeavor to become one of the Amen People.   We will always be learning (re-thinking) until we become one with the father. See for more teaching on this subject.  

What we do comes out of who we BE.  Our dominion has not been fruitful merely because we don’t understand the Kingdom.  This overcoming force is not a physical warfare with carnal weapons.  It is living the ideology of Christ, The Anointed King.  Jesus evangelized by openly demonstrating that the authority of the Kingdom had come to earth when that got everyone’s attention then He preached.  He served humanity never exercising dominion over another human being.  He called His message the good news of the Kingdom for all power in heaven and earth had been given to him.  And because we are in Him, it is our privilege to manifest that authority as well.  As a priest unto God, serving from beneath, we are to colonize; establish a groups of believers in our area of influence that will be recognized as an army of self-governed, nonviolent agape lovers who infect the kingdom of darkness by doing continuous acts of kindness and like yeast God will become All and in All.   


Jesus said that the Kingdom was like yeast;

The characteristics of yeast are:

  • It always seems like it is insignificant.
  • It is not intimidated by the size of the dough.
  • Yeast works quietly.
  • Yeast never becomes dough.
  • Yeast grows under heat and pressure.
  •    Yeast will ultimately leaven the whole loaf.

God bless you as you rethink; you are not your father’s son following in his footsteps to become a carpenter you are the Son of God joint heirs with King Jesus.  Following Jesus admonishment; “Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Present yourself a living sacrifice wholly, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.”  I believe you will become insatiable for this new understanding and you will overcome the lies of the adversary to boldly be an ambassador of The Kingdom, the Government of Heaven and proclaim “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”